Monday, May 28, 2012

#USA Wants #Israel TAPI GAS PIPELINE IN PLACE BY 2014 (22 Feb 2012)

Uploaded by on 22 Feb 2012


T - Turkmenistan,
A - Afghanistan,
P - Pakistan,
I - India
signed TAPI gas pipeline deal owned by the Israeli company of Tel Aviv (MERHAV Company).

The TAPI agreement was signed in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, 11 December 2010 with Israel company MERHAV [Supported by US military forces - 1,780 US troops dead + 404 UK troops dead to date - yet the natural gas pipeline is of no benefit to the US or UK people... US & UK people are misled to believe there is a purported "War On Terror"]

Turkmenistan - Afghanistan - Pakistan - India ("TAPI") natural gas pipeline connection - from the Tukmenistan natural gasfields to India...

T - TURKMEN President Kurbanguly Berdymukhamedov
A - AFGHAN President Hamid Karzai
P - PAKISTAN President Asif Ali Zardari
I - INDIAN energy minister Murli Deora

signed the TAPI agreement in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, 11 December 2010 with ISRAEL company MERHAV [Supported by US military forces]

404 UK soldiers KILLED to date - natural born AFGHANIS see themselves as protecting their home country from "foreign aggressive invaders - who want to lay a natural gas pipeline through their country without any form of consultation or dialogue with the people of their own sovereign jurisdiction".


DRUGS was the purported "reason" [read the REAL EXCUSE] given by one ACL BLAIR for intervention in AFGHANISTAN - not unlike the Weapons of Mass Destruction ("WMD") as the "reason" for intervention in IRAQ. It was all subsequently found to be ONE BIG LIE...

Over ONE MILLION men, women and children now dead...
How many US, UK & EU soldiers also dead...?
How many victims of the symptoms of Depleted Uranium ("DU") and the adverse effects of Radiation Sickness and the horrific congenital abnormalities & deformities in their babies...

2014 is the date of completion of the TAPI natural gas pipeline
Surprise, surprise, 2014 is ALSO the date of withdrawal of US/UK troops from AFGHANISTAN...
[Now what a co-incidence...]

Most US/UK/EU citizens are in COMPLETE ignorance of the REAL reason for deaths of US/UK/EU personnel in AFGHANISTAN...

UK citizens are treated like complete fools... to be treated like MUSHROOMS...
Kept in the DARK and fed total bullshit...(?)